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About Coolshop

A true story

Coolshop was founded at 15:12 on the 25th of January, 2002 (it was a Friday).

"Why so late in the day?" I'll tell you why.

Our founding fathers were in the beginning of their twenties, when Coolshop was created, and when most people are in their twenties, they have not yet learned to get up in the morning. There are even rumours that one of the founders waited for the other one for many hours, because he was – and still is – a big believer in "little Friday".*

But they are brothers, and brothers bear with each other.

"Shopping online should be easy. Discounts for everyone. No subscription services. No surprises. Only low prices on everything that makes you happy – delivered fast."

Now it might get a bit cliché.

But not in a Silicon Valley way. More in the "we started from a garage" way. Because that is actually also a true story. Coolshop started in the founders' garage. If you ask nicely, we can show a picture of that.

Okay. Time to fast forward a little bit.

Mark and Mike were onto something. Coolshop took shape, gathered some employees, taco Thursday was introduced. And then someone knocked on the door. It was a fast-talking guy with Italian blood in his veins. Jacob Risgaard. Contract was signed over a crate of beer. Two now turned into three, and the rest is history…

Oh, there was also that time, where Jacob woke up in the office, turned around and realised that he… Oops, I promised not to talk about that! Sorry!

* After-work-beers on a Thursday. A Danish expression for living Thursday as if it was Friday.


Coolshop's values
Coolshop logo

Simple is cool

You can boil online shopping down to three things. The shop needs the right products, the prices need to be low, and the delivery needs to be free – and quick. We take care of that. Coolshop is simple shopping online. That's what makes it cool.
Coolshop logo

Honesty is cool

Honest service is good service. We keep you updated during the whole purchasing process, and you can always contact us. We only advertise the things, about which we can have an honest and clear communication. There are never any doubts or indecisiveness.
Coolshop logo

Going the extra mile is cool

We enjoy making extra effort for our customers before, during and after your purchase. This approach was a part of the DNA, when Coolshop started, and now it is a part of the everyday life for everyone from top management to newly employed. You are safe when shopping with Coolshop.
Team Coolshop
Happy and dynamic colleagues
Coolshop is a growing company.
New employees are regularly hired in our various offices. We know that employees are the company's most important resource, and we believe that happy and satisfied employees bring better results.