The latest game in the Dark Pictures Anthology game series is a series of intense, cinematic stand-alone horror games combined with powerful storytelling and unique multiplayer features. Each new game is influenced by real world events either fact, ficti…
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Product description
The latest game in the Dark Pictures Anthology game series is a series of intense, cinematic stand-alone horror games combined with powerful storytelling and unique multiplayer features.
Each new game is influenced by real world events either fact, fiction or legend and features a completely new story, setting and cast of characters. Each new game in The Dark Pictures Anthology will deliver a new cinematic horror experience playable in single and multiplayer including Shared Story playable with a friend online and Movie Night mode where up to 5 players can play together off-line and pass-the-pad in a true 'Couch Co-op' experience.
House of Ashes
At the end of the Iraq War, Special Forces hunting for weapons of mass destruction unearth something far deadlier – a buried Sumerian temple containing a nest of ancient and unearthly creatures. To survive the night below, they must forge a brotherhood with their enemies from the world above.
Descend into the dark abyss: Navigate a subterranean labyrinth and escape the unearthly creatures that have found a new prey to hunt
The enemy of your enemy: Will you prioritise your own survival, or will you put aside your fears and personal rivalries to fight together as one?
Do not play alone! Play online with a friend or up to 5 friends offline, experience the story together and collaborate wisely to save all the characters
Product specifications
Language in-game
This is the latest information from the manufacturer. If you have more questions about available language options, you can usually find the information on the publisher's website.
Language on cover
This is the latest information from the manufacturer. If you have more questions about available language options, you can usually find the information on the publisher's website.
Language subtitles
This is the latest information from the manufacturer. If you have more questions about available language options, you can usually find the information on the publisher's website.