Retro-look tricycle with brown saddle and large black wheels with visible spokes. The balance bike is great for children who need to practice balance and build body awareness. With three wheels instead of just two, your child can safely get started as a …
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Retro-look tricycle with brown saddle and large black wheels with visible spokes. The balance bike is great for children who need to practice balance and build body awareness. With three wheels instead of just two, your child can safely get started as a cyclist without the risk of tipping over in the attempt. When the child gets older, the bike can easily be converted into a two-wheeled model - without the need for extra parts. The front wheel can sit at two heights and the seat adjusts from 30 to 45 centimeters, so the bike can easily be adapted to a child between 15 months and six years. The balance bike has a small ledge for the feet, so once the bike is going well and the balance is found, it's easy to race off. The balance bike comes with stickers in different designs, so the child can choose the look of the bike. Although the balance bike is intended for outdoor use, it should be stored indoors and in a dry environment when not in use. Here the balance bike is in an anthracite gray color - in a matte finish.