Drum Up the Action! Bakeru’s adventure begins in this Japan-esque Wild Action Game! Disaster strikes Japan! Oracle Saitaro and his Festival Troops are using a bizarre festival to take over Japan. Bakeru travels to 47 Japanese prefectures to free Japan fr…
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Product description
Drum Up the Action! Bakeru’s adventure begins in this Japan-esque Wild Action Game! Disaster strikes Japan! Oracle Saitaro and his Festival Troops are using a bizarre festival to take over Japan.
Bakeru travels to 47 Japanese prefectures to free Japan from the grip of evil spirits!
Spectacular action set in fairy tale Japan! Bakeru takes place in “Fairy Tale Japan,” a mix of modern Japan and old period dramas, which is divided into more than 50 stages.
Battle on with Bakeru’s drum! A secret treasure passed down by Tanuki Clan. It is said to be able to purify evil spirits. Fight through enemies and traps with simple controls!
Transform into fairy tale heroes! By obtaining a Henge License, Bakeru can transform into whoever gave him the license. Transform into famous Japanese heroes like Kintaro and Momotaro to use their skills and abilities.
Additional features have been added to the Western, Asian, and Steam versions of the game! New Attack: Hurricane, New Attack: Spinning Top, Additional Enemy: Lantern Boss
Product specifications
Language in-game
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Language on cover
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Language subtitles
This is the latest information from the manufacturer. If you have more questions about available language options, you can usually find the information on the publisher's website.