Every day on the streets of Tokyo, Ghouls and Investigators risk their lives fighting each other. Will you be a ghoul, surviving by eating human flesh, or an investigator, just trying to survive? To eat or not to be eaten, that is the question! LIVE THE …
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Product description
Every day on the streets of Tokyo, Ghouls and Investigators risk their lives fighting each other. Will you be a ghoul, surviving by eating human flesh, or an investigator, just trying to survive? To eat or not to be eaten, that is the question!
LIVE THE “EYEPATCH” LIFE AS NEVER BEFORE! Play the whole story of Tokyo Ghoul and Tokyo Ghoul: re in “ReCollection” the story mode of the game!
WHICH SIDE WILL YOU CHOOSE? Play as a Ghoul or an Investigator mastering each character’s abilities and weapons to take down the enemy.
BECOME WHO YOU WANT! Use the character creation mode to be the perfect CCG member, Ghoul or even a Quinx member!
SURVIVE NO MATTER WHAT! Taking advantage of the battlefield and controlling unique powers will be the key to survive!
ONE FOR ALL! Survival is always more difficult when alone. Go online and play to the different modes from campaign mode to survival mode and enjoy the war between humans and Ghouls!
Product specifications
Language in-game
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Language on cover
This is the latest information from the manufacturer. If you have more questions about available language options, you can usually find the information on the publisher's website.
Language subtitles
This is the latest information from the manufacturer. If you have more questions about available language options, you can usually find the information on the publisher's website.