In the year 1615, a new Shogun rises to power in Japan and strives to bring peace to the realm. In his battle against rebellion he recruits five specialists with extraordinary skills for assassination, sabotage and espionage. One part of this team is Hay…
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Product description
In the year 1615, a new Shogun rises to power in Japan and strives to bring peace to the realm. In his battle against rebellion he recruits five specialists with extraordinary skills for assassination, sabotage and espionage. One part of this team is Hayato, an agile ninja, who clears the way through his enemies silently with sword and shuriken. The Samurai Mugen is a bit more straight forward and can defeat more opponents at once at the expense of flexibility. Aiko is a master of camouflage when she distracts enemies as a Geisha, and the street child Yuki places traps and lures the enemies towards their deadly fate. Takuma, however, relies on his sniper rifle and takes care of the enemies from a distance.
In this real-time tactics game, The player has to carefully evaluate his options in order to master the challenging missions: how will the characters behave as a team? Which one is best equipped for each task? How can they master the given environments best? Come up with your own ingenious tactics to vanquish enemies and complete missions.
Product specifications
Language in-game
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Language on cover
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Language subtitles
This is the latest information from the manufacturer. If you have more questions about available language options, you can usually find the information on the publisher's website.