Farmers who primarily prescribe to the keeping of farm animals needrobust tools that deliver maximum capacity day in day out forharvesting animal foodstuff. CLAAS are among the globally leadingsystem providers in the business of animal feedstuff harvesti…
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Product description
Farmers who primarily prescribe to the keeping of farm animals needrobust tools that deliver maximum capacity day in day out forharvesting animal foodstuff. CLAAS are among the globally leadingsystem providers in the business of animal feedstuff harvesting, theirproducts dependably overcome the hardest demands and in continuous usedo not come up short because of their quality - characteristics thatthe little ones rediscover in the toy vehicles from BRUDER. What ismore obvious than to translate an impressive large-area mower of thistype into an equally impressive model that is convincing with itsrealistic functions and attention to detail. This is why all 3 mowershave oscillating suspension to compensate for uneven ground. The mowerhas rotating conditioners. The three-way mower can be split for frontand side use on the tractor with the fixture so that the side mowerscan be folded upwards for transporting. The use on the Claas Jaguar isfully frontal with the aid of an enclosed adapter; the mowers can beswivelled forwards and raised for transporting on the road. With theseagricultural implements BRUDER once more demonstrates the technicalingenuity of its products that captivates the playing youngster withthe functionality of the larger brother model.
automotive body
mower with oscillating suspension to compensate for uneven ground
front mower can be lowered and raised separately
rotating conditioner via a direct drive system
WARNING! Not suitable for children under 36 months. Choking hazard - small parts.
Recommended age: suitable from 4 years upwards for playing indoors and outdoors
manufactured from high-quality plastics such as ABS