Déraciné is a brand new story adventure created by the renowned Bloodborne developer, FromSoftware, available exclusively on PS VR. As a spirit in a secluded boarding school, the player must prove its existence and build a unique bond with the students a…
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Product description
Déraciné is a brand new story adventure created by the renowned Bloodborne developer, FromSoftware, available exclusively on PS VR. As a spirit in a secluded boarding school, the player must prove its existence and build a unique bond with the students as the world is uncovered through discovery and exploration. As the mystery of the story unfolds, the spirit must travel in time to change the fate of the pupils.
VR adventure experience - Déraciné utilizes VR technology to create a classic adventure game where players will be able to explore a quiet world teeming with mysteries
Compelling and original story - A classic adventure game or visual novel built around the exploration of a mysterious world, frozen in time. Players take the role of an invisible faerie who forges a personal bond children in a boarding school in an emotionally deep and convincing narrative
Thought-provoking discoveries - In tandem with the deep narrative, players must explore the world around them to discover clues that will lead them through the story. Discovering and piecing information together will pull players into the narrative’s world, and bind them to the characters in the physical world
Product specifications
Language in-game
This is the latest information from the manufacturer. If you have more questions about available language options, you can usually find the information on the publisher's website.
Language on cover
This is the latest information from the manufacturer. If you have more questions about available language options, you can usually find the information on the publisher's website.
Language subtitles
This is the latest information from the manufacturer. If you have more questions about available language options, you can usually find the information on the publisher's website.